Every year young people from around the world, children and grandchildren of IPA members, are invited to visit another country and participate in an event that many will never forget – the IPA\’s International Youth Gathering (IYG).
For the IYG participants it is an opportunity to experience travel to another country and to meet people of a similar age from different cultures and backgrounds whilst gaining a deeper knowledge of the history, social character, nature and family life of the hosting country.
The International Youth Gathering programme conforms to the international spirit and aims of the International Police Association. Participation in the programme is open to children or grandchildren of current IPA members, which must have reached 15 years but not have exceeded 18 years at the start of the IYG.
IYG participants will be permitted without distinction as to sex, race, colour, language or religion. National Sections who wish to arrange IYG’s can only do so with approval of the PEB.