Code of Conduct IPA South Africa

Elected, appointed and co-opted members of IPA Committees are hereby individually in person as IPA members and collectively as Committee members held accountable for and committed to:
The Upholding of the International & National Statutes
In accordance with our motto, “SERVO PER AMIKECO” (service through friendship), we will apply, adhere and uphold the principles of the International IPA Statute and the National Constitution, Rules and Directives of IPA South Africa;
The Upholding of the International Aims
We will enhance the development of cultural relations amongst IPA members, the broadening of their general knowledge, the exchange of professional experience, seek and foster mutual help in the social sphere and contribute, within the limits of our abilities to the peaceful co-existence between peoples and the preservation of world peace;
The Protection of Individual Rights
We will promote the unity and well-being of IPA and its members by respecting every person’s right as entrenched within the South African Constitution;
The Improvement of Quality of Life
We will through our actions and where ever possible, strive towards the improvement of the quality of life for all South Africans;
Professional Personal Conduct
We will conduct ourselves professionally, lawfully and responsibly through work and service;
Portraying Respect and Dignity
We will be honest and transparent in our actions and ensure that our behavior towards IPA members portrays integrity, respect and dignity;
The Eradication of Conflict of Interest
We will uphold the International Statute and National Constitution, as well as all Legislation of our Country and will not indulge into anything that may conflict with our duties and responsibilities as Committee members nor abuse our positions or those of others for undue personal benefit;
Sound Governance & Financial Management
We will be transparent in what we do, uphold sound governance principles and ensure that sound financial management and administrative processes are established, applied and being complied with;
Due Care in Making Decisions
We will be transparent in our decision making and in this regard take due care in applying our minds with regards to the appropriate facts before the Committee and ensure that decisions are taken in the best interest of the Association and its members.